shell javascript php python ruby


What is Fastpay

FastPay is an online payment tool for businesses to accept all modes of payment including debit cards, credit cards, e-wallet, online banking, buy now pay later and instalment payment plans by major banks.

It allows users to make online purchases using their preferred payment method. Users can save payment details in their accounts to enable one-click checkout for all future purchases within the FastPay merchant network.

This documentation is for the use of vendors/businesses integrating FastPay into their e-commerce websites.

API Reference

The FastPay API is organised around REST. Our API returns JSON-encoded responses and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.

All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. API requests without authentication will also fail.

Here are the parties we will refer to in this API documentation:


System Requirements


Please reach out to us at to receive credentials for integration.

FastPay will provide the vendor with the following information:

API Versions

The FastPay API is currently on version 1.0.


There are two parts to the FastPay API URL paths - The base URL and the endpoint. {base_url}/{endpoint}

{base_url} should be replaced with the URL of the intended environment, and {endpoint} should be replaced with the specific API endpoint to produce a valid API URL path. For instance, a call to the Request Checkout Link API endpoint in the Production environment would look like so:

Production Base URL

Staging Base URL


The FastPay API uses payload signature to authenticate requests. Please refer to Appendix A and Appendix B for more information.

Requests will be rejected by FastPay if they do not contain a valid HMAC-SHA256 signature. A request signature can be generated using the vendor’s API key (secret key) provided by FastPay, which is shared between FastPay and the vendor only.

Tenancy by Country

FastPay practises multi-tenancy architecture and scopes data by country. We use :country_code in the request URL to specify which country to fetch data from. The currently available countries are Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia.

:country_code should be replaced with the country code of the intended country, like so:

Specifying the correct country code where the vendor account is registered is essential to ensure successful requests.

API Parameter Requirement

Requirement Description
R Required
CR Conditionally Required
O Optional

API Workflow

Vendor handles shipping

This is the flow when skip_shipping: true is provided in the Request Checkout Link API.

The typical use case for this flow is when the user clicks on the payment button on the vendor's checkout page. FastPay will only handle the payment transaction.

  1. The user visits the vendor’s site.
  2. The user clicks the FastPay button on the vendor’s checkout page.
  3. The vendor creates an order and requests a one-off checkout payment URL from FastPay.
  4. FastPay returns the payment URL to the vendor.
  5. The vendor redirects the user to the payment URL.
  6. The user enters a phone number and selects a payment method. If the user chooses to skip entering a phone number, they will continue to checkout as a FastPay guest user.
  7. Fastpay displays the payment details and proceeds to process the payment.
  8. Fastpay returns the transaction status to the vendor, and the vendor handles it accordingly.

Vendor does not ship

This is the flow when skip_shipping: false is provided in the Request Checkout Link API.

The typical use case for this flow is when the user clicks the FastPay Buy Now button on the product/SKU page. FastPay will pass the updated order and shipping details to the vendor.

  1. The user visits the vendor’s site.
  2. The user clicks the FastPay button for express checkout with a single item.
  3. The vendor creates an order and requests a one-off checkout payment URL from FastPay.
  4. FastPay returns the payment URL to the vendor.
  5. The vendor redirects the user to the payment URL.
  6. The user enters a phone number and selects a payment method.
  7. The user selects or updates the shipping address.
  8. Fastpay gets a list of available shipping options from the vendor.
  9. The user selects a shipping option.
  10. Fastpay sends the updated order details to the vendor according to the selected shipping option. The details include shipping and billing information.
  11. The vendor returns the final charge amount to Fastpay.
  12. Fastpay displays the payment details and proceeds to process the payment.
  13. Fastpay returns the transaction status to the vendor, and the vendor handles it accordingly.

FastPay Guest User


Webhooks (Optional)

List of webhook endpoints that FastPay Backend requires when skip_shipping is false. They should be provided in the Request Checkout Link API endpoint. These webhooks will be invoked from FastPay Backend to Vendor Backend for the reasons listed below.

Webhook: shipping_info_url

Expects the vendor to return a list of available shipping options. FastPay will include the selected shipping option in the update_order_url webhook request.


       "id": "1",
       "method_id": "normal_delivery",
       "title": "Normal Delivery",
       "cost": "5.50"

FastPay Backend expects this webhook to return the following JSON format from the Vendor Backend.

Name Type Description
id string Unique shipping option ID.
method_id string Title of the shipping option.
title string Readable title of the shipping option.
cost string Total shipping amount in cents for display.

Example of shipping options user interface:

Webhook: update_order_url

Update the Order details on the vendor site with additional details such as shipping options. It should return the final charge amount total_amount_cents in the response.

Request Parameters:


Example (JSON)

  "id": "727",
  "shipping_address": {
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "address1": "969 Market",
    "address2": "",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "CA",
    "postcode": "94103",
    "country": "US",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "+60169999999"
  "billing_address": {
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "address1": "969 Market",
    "address2": "",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "CA",
    "postcode": "94103",
    "country": "US",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "+60169999999"
  "shipping_line": {
    "id": 1,
    "method_id": "normal_delivery"
  "note": "Please leave the package at the door."


  "total_amount_cents": 3000 //RM30.00

FastPay Backend will send the following JSON payload to the Vendor Backend in this webhook.

Name Type R/CR/O Description
id string R Order ID obtained from Request Checkout Link API.
shipping_address string R Shipping address details.
billing_address string R Billing address details.
shipping_line string R Shipping line information from Webhook: shipping_info_url.
Required to pass both id and method_id.
note string O Note from customer, if available.

Shipping Address Parameters:

Name Type R/CR/O Description
first_name string R Recipient’s first name.
last_name string R Recipient’s last name.
address1 string R First line of recipient’s address.
address2 string O Second line of recipient’s address.
city string R Recipient’s city.
state string R Recipient’s state.
postcode string R Recipient’s postcode.
country string R Recipient’s country.
email string O Recipient’s email address.
phone string R Recipient’s phone number.
Format: {country_code}{phone_number}, and must begin with +.

Billing Address Parameters:

Name Type R/CR/O Description
first_name string R Recipient’s first name.
last_name string R Recipient’s last name.
address1 string R First line of recipient’s address.
address2 string O Second line of recipient’s address.
city string R Recipient’s city.
state string R Recipient’s state.
postcode string R Recipient’s postcode.
country string R Recipient’s country.
email string O Recipient’s email address.
phone string R Recipient’s phone number.
Format: {country_code}{phone_number}, and must begin with +.


If you're new to the FastPay implementation, this version is not in active development state and we would recommend you to navigate to V2 for the current version.

Request for a one-off use payment URL. This API is used to initiate the FastPay payment process. The vendor will redirect the user to the payment URL returned by FastPay. The sign must be generated following Appendix A.


Shipping Options V1

With FastPay, shipping can be handled either from the vendor’s side or FastPay’s side. This is determined by the boolean value skip_shipping passed in the request of this API.

For shipping to be handled by the vendor, the value must be set to true; shipping will be handled by FastPay when the value is false.

Request Checkout Parameters V1

curl -X POST '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
  "omni_reference": "PL-0001",
  "total_amount_cents": 1000,
  "app_id": "a3osyvuayt",
  "outlet_id": 11637,
  "sign": "6c92b6704b99526ee9900d00d8d375386524add07838c907c87a94baa0bd2903",
  "callback_url": "",
  "redirect_url": "",
  "shipping_info_url": "",
  "update_order_url": "",
  "phone": "+60171234567",
  "skip_shipping": true,
  "skip_email": true,
  "test": true
var axios = require('axios');
var data = JSON.stringify({
  "sign": "133b8f8aeec227c2613f53c691c13b96805ec6bcc67e3dac3af6c6a702e3dbb7",
  "omni_reference": "WCM-1667541435030",
  "total_amount_cents": 200,
  "app_id": "f0l6wkqzfn",
  "outlet_id": 12581,
  "qr_format": "web_url",
  "redirect_url": "",
  "callback_url": "",
  "skip_shipping": true,
  "phone": "+60123456789"
});'/api/fastpay/v1/my/checkout', data)
.then(function (response) {
.catch(function (error) {
$client = new Client();
$headers = [
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json'
$body = '{
  "sign": "133b8f8aeec227c2613f53c691c13b96805ec6bcc67e3dac3af6c6a702e3dbb7",
  "omni_reference": "WCM-1667541435030",
  "total_amount_cents": 200,
  "app_id": "f0l6wkqzfn",
  "outlet_id": 12581,
  "qr_format": "web_url",
  "redirect_url": "",
  "callback_url": "",
  "skip_shipping": true,
  "phone": "+60123456789"
$request = new Request('POST', '', $headers, $body);
$res = $client->sendAsync($request)->wait();
echo $res->getBody();
import requests
import json

url = ""
payload = json.dumps({
  "sign": "133b8f8aeec227c2613f53c691c13b96805ec6bcc67e3dac3af6c6a702e3dbb7",
  "omni_reference": "WCM-1667541435030",
  "total_amount_cents": 200,
  "app_id": "f0l6wkqzfn",
  "outlet_id": 12581,
  "qr_format": "web_url",
  "redirect_url": "",
  "callback_url": "",
  "skip_shipping": true,
  "phone": "+60123456789"
response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload)
require "uri"
require "json"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")
https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
request.body = JSON.dump({
  "sign": "133b8f8aeec227c2613f53c691c13b96805ec6bcc67e3dac3af6c6a702e3dbb7",
  "omni_reference": "WCM-1667541435030",
  "total_amount_cents": 200,
  "app_id": "f0l6wkqzfn",
  "outlet_id": 12581,
  "qr_format": "web_url",
  "redirect_url": "",
  "callback_url": "",
  "skip_shipping": true,
  "phone": "+60123456789"
response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body

JSON response example

    "expires_in": 600,
    "format": "web_url"
Name Type R/CR/O Description
omni_reference string R Unique reference string provided by the vendor for the transaction. The vendor should prepend the prefix issued by FastPay in front of the vendor’s reference number.
Max-length: 28 characters.
Format: [prefix]-[reference_id]
total_amount_cents integer R Total payment amount in cents. Discount and merchant cashback are not included.
Accepts positive integers only.
app_id string R Vendor ID issued by FastPay.
Format: 10 digits of alphanumeric.
outlet_id integer R Merchant’s outlet id in FastPay.
sign string R SHA256 API request signature. Refer to Appendix A for details.
callback_url string R Vendor-side URL to which the transaction object will be sent in the event that the payment has been processed, regardless of successful or rejected payment.
Refer to the Transaction API section for details.
redirect_url string R Redirects to this page when payment has been processed, regardless of successful or rejected payment.
shipping_info_url string CR Vendor-side webhook API endpoint for FastPay Backend to retrieve a list of shipping options.
Required when: skip_shipping is false.
update_order_url string CR Vendor-side webhook API endpoint to create/update the user’s order details in the vendor’s platform (e.g. WooCommerce).
Required when: skip_shipping is false.
order object CR User's order with a list of merchant's line items.
Required when: skip_shipping is false.
phone string O User’s phone number.
skip_shipping boolean O If true, the API will return the URL that skips the shipping address page in FastPay and goes directly to the payment page.

If shipping is handled by the vendor, set this value to true.
Default: false.
skip_email boolean O If true, FastPay will not request for the user’s email address and name upon a new user sign up, and proceed directly to the checkout page.
Default: false.
test boolean O If true, the API will return a mock payment page that the vendor can use for testing a payment without actual payment details.
Default: false.

Order Parameters:

Name Type R/CR/O Description
id string R Unique order ID from the vendor.
currency string R Currency.
discount_total string R Total discounted amount.
total string R Total order amount before discount.
tax_total string R Total tax amount.
line_items array of object R List of line items.

Line Item Parameters:

Name Type R/CR/O Description
name string R Product name.
product_id string R Unique product ID.
variation_id string R Unique product variation's ID.
image string R Image URL.
currency string R Currency
price string R Price of a single item.
subtotal string R Subtotal amount.
quantity string R Quantity of items.
total_tax string R Total tax amount.

Usage of omni_ref in Redirect URL V1




Transactions API V1

Each merchant’s configuration and each transaction may be different, some of the transaction values may be null. Receipt ID can be 9 digits or 30 digits alphanumeric string depending on the source of the transaction.

Available statuses:

Status Status Code
pending_payment 0
payment_processing 1
successful 2
disputed 3
rejected 4
refunded 5

Transaction Object V1

All calls under Transaction API will return the transaction object.

JSON response example:

Note : this is a sample transaction and values might not be entirely accurate.

  "id": "FP_792619",
  "receipt_id": "0118-7347",
  "outlet_name": "TTDI",
  "total_amount_cents": "2100",
  "refund_amount_cents": "0",
  "currency": "MYR",
  "outlet_id": "1593",
  "mid": "1166",
  "omni_reference": "PL-0001",
  "status": "successful",
  "status_code": "2",
  "created_at": "2021-03-26T18:14:59.698+08:00",
  "campaign_credit_amount_cents": "0",
  "campaign_funded_by": "N/A",
  "aabig_points_used_amount_cents": "0",
  "merchant_cashback_amount_cents": "350",
  "fave_credits_amount_cents": "200",
  "promo_code_value_cents": "0",
  "e_card_credits_used_cents": "0",
  "charged_amount_cents": "1550",
  "cashback_rate": "0.0",
  "merchant_cashback_issued_cents": "0",
  "promo_code_cashback_value": "2.00",
  "promo_code_cashback_type": "absolute_cashback",
  "promo_code_cashback_issued_cents":  "200",
  "promo_code_cashback_funded_by": "merchant",
  "fave_fees_percentage": "1.0",
  "fave_fees_cents": "18",
  "sst_on_total_fees_cents": "1",
  "merchant_takeback_cents": "1881",
  "user_id": "2818771",
  "fpl_transaction": "false",
  "fpl_fees_percentage": "N/A",
  "fpl_fees_cents": "N/A",
  "fpl_merchant_cashback_reduction_percentage": "N/A",
  "sign": "56f6054ed61a3a3eb3dff2c06c320339044a4562f63f7d53cee0ff010df561a8"
Field Description
id max length 35 chars
receipt_id max length 35 chars
campaign_credit_amount_cents campaign credit redeemed amnt
aabig_points_used_amount_cents AABig points redeemed amnt
merchant_cashback_amount_cents merchant cashback redeemed amnt
fave_credits_amount_cents Fave credit redeemed amnt
promo_code_value_cents promo code discount amnt
e_card_credits_used_cents user’s eCard membership credits amnt
charged_amount_cents credit card/e-wallet charged amnt
cashback_rate cashback rate that offered by merchant
merchant_cashback_issued_cents the cashback amnt user earned
promo_code_cashback_value the cashback amnt user earned
fave_fees_cents total fee charged by Fave
sst_on_total_fees_cents mandated government tax by country
merchant_takeback_cents total amount merchant will receive
user_id FastPay unique user id
fpl_transaction to indicate favepay later transaction

For security reasons, Vendors should use the sign parameter value in the payload above to verify our payload integrity. Please refer to Appendix C for the details. Do note that only the transaction object in the webhook callback will contain the sign parameter for payload verification.

The field fpl_transaction is used to indicate if a particular transaction is a FavePay Later transaction. The string true indicates that the transaction is a FavePay Later transaction or vice versa.

If a transaction is not a FavePay Later transaction, the associated fields of fpl_fees_percentage, fpl_fees_cents, fpl_merchant_cashback_reduction_percentage would be N/A.

API: Get a transaction V1

The transaction status can be retrieved either by the omni_reference or by the receipt_id.

curl \
--location \
--request \
GET ''
var axios = require('axios');
axios.get('/api/fpo/v1/my/transactions', {
    params: {
        'app_id': 'f0l6wkqzfn',
        'omni_reference': 'WCM-1667541435030',
        'sign': '57c2af5432362011d1e2925d1ab2f6020313c7599e45e5d5840c7d607363e340',
.then(function (response) {
.catch(function (error) {
$client = new Client();
$request = new Request('GET', '');
$res = $client->sendAsync($request)->wait();
echo $res->getBody();
import requests

url = ""
response = requests.request("GET", url)
require "uri"
require "net/http"

url = URI(" here&omni_reference=WCM-1667541435030&sign=133b8f8aeec227c2613f53c691c13b96805ec6bcc67e3dac3af6c6a702e3dbb7")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body


Name Type R/CR/O Description
receipt_id string CR Fave receipt_id as displayed on the app.
omni_reference string CR The omni_reference is the unique reference string provided by the vendor for the transaction.
app_id string R Vendor ID issued by Fave
sign string R API request signature

Transaction Response V1

Transaction Object


Name Description Possible Reasons
resource_not_found The resource provided is not found or invalid.
  • The omni_reference or receipt_id provided is not valid.
  • The app_id provided is not valid.
validation There is an issue with the validation of the request parameters.
  • The omni_reference or receipt_id is not provided.
  • The required request parameters are not given.
Unauthorized The request is not authorised or there is an issue with the request.
  • Signature is incorrect.
  • The omni_reference or receipt_id provided does not exist in our database records.

Note: The API may return an unauthorized request error if the provided receipt_id or omni_reference does not exist in our database records.

API: Transaction History V1

The Transaction History API returns a list of transaction objects that match the query criteria. The vendor can use this API either with a limit or with a timestamp. When the limit parameter is provided, the API will return the n last transactions associated with the given outlet_id. The timestamp parameter used to retrieve all the transactions between the timestamp and current time.

curl \
--location \
--request GET ''
var axios = require('axios');
axios.get('/api/fpo/v1/my/outlets/21791/transactions', {
    params: {
        'app_id': 'f0l6wkqzfn',
        'sign': '57c2af5432362011d1e2925d1ab2f6020313c7599e45e5d5840c7d607363e340',
.then(function (response) {
.catch(function (error) {
$client = new Client();
$request = new Request('GET', '');
$res = $client->sendAsync($request)->wait();
echo $res->getBody();
import requests

url = ""
response = requests.request("GET", url)
require "uri"
require "net/http"

url = URI(" here")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body


Name Type R/CR/O Description
app_id string R Vendor ID issued by Fave
limit integer CR The number of transactions to return. Default: 10 Max-value: 1000"
timestamp integer CR Filter the result by transaction timestamp.
Default: null
Format: Unix Timestamp.
The timestamp must not be earlier than one month.
ack boolean O Filter the result by acknowledgement status. Filter out the acknowledged transactions when the value is false.
Default: true
sign string R API request signature

Transaction Response V1

Transaction Object


Name Description Possible Reasons
resource_not_found The resource provided is not found or invalid. The outlet_id provided is not valid.
validation There is an issue with the validation of the request parameters.
  • Timestamp exceeds one month of the current time.
  • The limit is invalid or exceeds the maximum value.
Unauthorized The request is not authorised or there is an issue with the request.
  • The API key (secret key) with this vendor has not been created for this outlet. Please contact FastPay for support.
  • The signature is incorrect.
error There is no result for the request given. No records match the query.

API: Refund a transaction V1

A POST request can make a refund request with the request body containing the omni_reference and the refund status. This API is idempotent; any call after the first successful call will directly return the status. The transaction only can be refunded through this API within 24 hours. Any request that comes after that will receive a stale_transaction error.

curl \
--location \
--request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "omni_reference": "WCM-1667541435030",
    "app_id": "f0l6wkqzfn",
    "status": "refunded",
    "sign": "133b8f8aeec227c2613f53c691c13b96805ec6bcc67e3dac3af6c6a702e3dbb7"
var axios = require('axios');
var data = JSON.stringify({
  "omni_reference": "WCM-1667541435030",
  "app_id": "f0l6wkqzfn",
  "status": "refunded",
  "sign": "133b8f8aeec227c2613f53c691c13b96805ec6bcc67e3dac3af6c6a702e3dbb7"
});'/api/fpo/v1/my/transactions', data)
.then(function (response) {
.catch(function (error) {
$client = new Client();
$headers = [
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json'
$body = '{
  "omni_reference": "WCM-1667541435030",
  "app_id": "f0l6wkqzfn",
  "status": "refunded",
  "sign": "133b8f8aeec227c2613f53c691c13b96805ec6bcc67e3dac3af6c6a702e3dbb7"
$request = new Request('POST', '', $headers, $body);
$res = $client->sendAsync($request)->wait();
echo $res->getBody();
import requests
import json

url = ""
payload = json.dumps({
  "omni_reference": "WCM-1667541435030",
  "app_id": "f0l6wkqzfn",
  "status": "refunded",
  "sign": "133b8f8aeec227c2613f53c691c13b96805ec6bcc67e3dac3af6c6a702e3dbb7"
headers = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
require "uri"
require "json"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")
https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
request.body = JSON.dump({
  "omni_reference": "WCM-1667541435030",
  "app_id": "f0l6wkqzfn",
  "status": "refunded",
  "sign": "133b8f8aeec227c2613f53c691c13b96805ec6bcc67e3dac3af6c6a702e3dbb7"
response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body


Name Type R/CR/O Description
omni_reference string R The omni_reference is the unique reference string provided by the vendor for the transaction. First introduced in the QR code API request.
app_id string R Vendor ID issued by Fave.
status string R Transaction status.
Accepted values: refunded
partial_refund_cents integer O Partial refund amount. This is only applicable for FavePayment. If this parameter is not provided, a full refund will be performed.
sign string R API request signature.

Transaction Response V1

Transaction Object

Errors V1

Name Description Possible Reasons
resource_not_found The resource provided is not found or invalid. The omni_reference provided is not valid.
validation There is an issue with the validation of the request parameters. The status provided is not valid. The only accepted value is refunded.
partial_refund_cents exceeds the transaction’s charged_amount_cents.
Unauthorized The request is not authorised or there is an issue with the request. Signature is incorrect.
stale_transaction The request was made more than 24 hours after the transaction was created. Refund attempt was made after 24 hours of transaction creation. Transaction can no longer be refunded.
failed_request The request failed. Refund request failed.
unexpected_error The request was rejected. Refund request rejected.


This version is in active development state.

Request for a one-off use payment URL. This API is used to initiate the FastPay payment process. The vendor will redirect the user to the payment URL returned by FastPay. The sign must be generated following Appendix A.


Shipping Options V2

With FastPay, shipping can be handled either from the vendor’s side or FastPay’s side. This is determined by the boolean value shipping_required passed in the request of this API.

For shipping to be handled by the vendor, the value must be set to false; shipping will be handled by FastPay when the value is true.

Request Checkout Parameters V2

curl -X POST '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
  "omni_reference": "PL-0001",
  "total_amount_cents": 1000,
  "app_id": "a3osyvuayt",
  "outlet_id": 11637,
  "sign": "6c92b6704b99526ee9900d00d8d375386524add07838c907c87a94baa0bd2903",
  "callback_url": "",
  "redirect_url": "",
  "shipping_info_url": "",
  "update_order_url": "",
  "phone": "+60171234567",
  "shipping_required": true,
  "email_required": true,
  "test": true
var axios = require('axios');
var data = JSON.stringify({
  "sign": "133b8f8aeec227c2613f53c691c13b96805ec6bcc67e3dac3af6c6a702e3dbb7",
  "omni_reference": "WCM-1667541435030",
  "total_amount_cents": 200,
  "app_id": "f0l6wkqzfn",
  "outlet_id": 12581,
  "qr_format": "web_url",
  "redirect_url": "",
  "callback_url": "",
  "shipping_required": true,
  "phone": "+60123456789"
});'/api/fastpay/v2/my/checkout', data)
.then(function (response) {
.catch(function (error) {
$client = new Client();
$headers = [
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json'
$body = '{
  "sign": "133b8f8aeec227c2613f53c691c13b96805ec6bcc67e3dac3af6c6a702e3dbb7",
  "omni_reference": "WCM-1667541435030",
  "total_amount_cents": 200,
  "app_id": "f0l6wkqzfn",
  "outlet_id": 12581,
  "qr_format": "web_url",
  "redirect_url": "",
  "callback_url": "",
  "shipping_required": true,
  "phone": "+60123456789"
$request = new Request('POST', '', $headers, $body);
$res = $client->sendAsync($request)->wait();
echo $res->getBody();
import requests
import json

url = ""
payload = json.dumps({
  "sign": "133b8f8aeec227c2613f53c691c13b96805ec6bcc67e3dac3af6c6a702e3dbb7",
  "omni_reference": "WCM-1667541435030",
  "total_amount_cents": 200,
  "app_id": "f0l6wkqzfn",
  "outlet_id": 12581,
  "qr_format": "web_url",
  "redirect_url": "",
  "callback_url": "",
  "shipping_required": true,
  "phone": "+60123456789"
response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload)
require "uri"
require "json"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")
https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
request.body = JSON.dump({
  "sign": "133b8f8aeec227c2613f53c691c13b96805ec6bcc67e3dac3af6c6a702e3dbb7",
  "omni_reference": "WCM-1667541435030",
  "total_amount_cents": 200,
  "app_id": "f0l6wkqzfn",
  "outlet_id": 12581,
  "qr_format": "web_url",
  "redirect_url": "",
  "callback_url": "",
  "shipping_required": true,
  "phone": "+60123456789"
response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body

JSON response example

    "expires_in": 600,
    "format": "web_url"
Name Type R/CR/O Description
omni_reference string R Unique reference string provided by the vendor for the transaction. The vendor should prepend the prefix issued by FastPay in front of the vendor’s reference number.
Max-length: 28 characters.
Format: [prefix]-[reference_id]
total_amount_cents integer R Total payment amount in cents. Discount and merchant cashback are not included.
Accepts positive integers only.
app_id string R Vendor ID issued by FastPay.
Format: 10 digits of alphanumeric.
outlet_id integer R Merchant’s outlet id in FastPay.
sign string R SHA256 API request signature. Refer to Appendix A for details.
callback_url string R Vendor-side URL to which the transaction object will be sent in the event that the payment has been processed, regardless of successful or rejected payment.
Refer to the Transaction API section for details.
redirect_url string R Redirects to this page when payment has been processed, regardless of successful or rejected payment.
shipping_info_url string CR Vendor-side webhook API endpoint for FastPay Backend to retrieve a list of shipping options.
Required when: shipping_required is true.
update_order_url string CR Vendor-side webhook API endpoint to create/update the user’s order details in the vendor’s platform (e.g. WooCommerce).
Required when: shipping_required is true.
order object CR User's order with a list of merchant's line items.
Required when: shipping_required is true.
phone string O User’s phone number.
shipping_required boolean O If true, the API will return the URL that skips the shipping address page in FastPay and goes directly to the payment page.

If shipping is handled by the vendor, set this value to true.
Default: false.
email_required boolean O If true, FastPay will not request for the user’s email address and name upon a new user sign up, and proceed directly to the checkout page.
Default: false.
test boolean O If true, the API will return a mock payment page that the vendor can use for testing a payment without actual payment details.
Default: false.

Order Parameters:

Name Type R/CR/O Description
id string R Unique order ID from the vendor.
currency string R Currency.
discount_total string R Total discounted amount.
total string R Total order amount before discount.
tax_total string R Total tax amount.
line_items array of object R List of line items.

Line Item Parameters:

Name Type R/CR/O Description
name string R Product name.
product_id string R Unique product ID.
variation_id string R Unique product variation's ID.
image string R Image URL.
currency string R Currency
price string R Price of a single item.
subtotal string R Subtotal amount.
quantity string R Quantity of items.
total_tax string R Total tax amount.

Usage of omni_ref in Redirect URL




Transactions API V2

Each merchant’s configuration and each transaction may be different, some of the transaction values may be null. Receipt ID can be 9 digits or 30 digits alphanumeric string depending on the source of the transaction.

Available statuses:

Status Status Code
pending_payment 0
payment_processing 1
successful 2
disputed 3
rejected 4
refunded 5

Transaction Object V2

All calls under Transaction API will return the transaction object.

JSON response example:

Note : this is a sample transaction and values might not be entirely accurate.

    "id": "FP_792619",
    "created_at": "2021-03-26T18:14:59.698+08:00",
    "omni_reference": "PL-0001",
    "receipt_id": "0118-7347",
    "merchant_name": "Cafe Testa",
    "merchant_id": "1166",
    "outlet_id": "1593",
    "user_id": "2818771",
    "currency": "MYR",
    "total_amount_cents": "2100",
    "payment_type": "Credit_card",
    "payment_type_variant": "Visa",
    "status": "successful",
    "status_code": "2",
    "failure_reason": "",
    "promo_code": "apicbpartner2",
    "promo_code_value_cents": "200",
    "charged_amount_cents": "1550",
    "payment_method_fee_percentage": "1",
    "payment_method_fee_cents": "2",
    "minimum_fee_applied": true,
    "sst_on_total_fees_cents": "1",
    "merchant_takeback_cents": "1881",
    "ipp_details": {
       "bank_name": "Maybank",
       "tenure": "12",
Field Description
id Unique identifier for each transaction
created_at Date and time of transaction
omni_reference Unique reference number generated by FastPay partner as reference to reconcile for both FastPay and partner systems
receipt_id Unique identifier for the receipt generated by FastPay for the transaction
outlet_id Unique identifier for the outlet where the payment was made
outlet_name Outlet name where the payment was made
merchant_id Unique identifier for the merchant who received the payment
merchant_name Name of merchant who received the payment
user_id Unique identifier for the user who made the payment
currency Currency used for the transaction
total_amount_cents Total amount paid in cents
payment_type Payment method used for the transaction, such as credit card or paypal
payment_type_variant Specific type of payment method used, such as Visa or Mastercard
status Status of transaction, refer here
status_code Represents the status of the transaction, refer here
failure_reason Reason why the transaction failed, if applicable
promo_code Promo code used for the transaction, if applicable
promo_code_value_cents Promo code discount amnt
charged_amount_cents Amount charged to the user's payment method in cents
payment_method_fee_percentage Percentage of fees charged by the payment method for the transaction in cents
payment_method_fee_cents Amount of fees charged by the payment method for the transaction in cents
minimum_fee_applied Minimum fee is applied to transactions if it returns true
sst_on_total_fees_cents Sales and Service Tax(SST) mandated government tax charged on the total fees in cents by country
merchant_takeback_cents Total amount merchant will receive
sign To verify the integrity of the payload
ipp_details Details of the Instalment Payment Plans(IPP)
bank_name Bank name associate with the IPP
tenure Length of the IPP tenure

For security reasons, Vendors should use the sign parameter value in the payload above to verify our payload integrity. Please refer to Appendix C for the details. Do note that only the transaction object in the webhook callback will contain the sign parameter for payload verification.

API: Get a transaction V2

The transaction status can be retrieved either by the omni_reference or by the receipt_id.

curl \
--location \
--request \
GET ''
var axios = require('axios');
axios.get('/api/fastpay/v2/my/transactions', {
    params: {
        'app_id': 'f0l6wkqzfn',
        'omni_reference': 'WCM-1667541435030',
        'sign': '57c2af5432362011d1e2925d1ab2f6020313c7599e45e5d5840c7d607363e340',
.then(function (response) {
.catch(function (error) {
$client = new Client();
$request = new Request('GET', '');
$res = $client->sendAsync($request)->wait();
echo $res->getBody();
import requests

url = ""
response = requests.request("GET", url)
require "uri"
require "net/http"

url = URI(" here&omni_reference=WCM-1667541435030&sign=133b8f8aeec227c2613f53c691c13b96805ec6bcc67e3dac3af6c6a702e3dbb7")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body


Name Type R/CR/O Description
receipt_id string CR Fave receipt_id as displayed on the app.
omni_reference string CR The omni_reference is the unique reference string provided by the vendor for the transaction.
app_id string R Vendor ID issued by Fave
sign string R API request signature

Transaction Response

Transaction Object


Name Description Possible Reasons
resource_not_found The resource provided is not found or invalid.
  • The omni_reference or receipt_id provided is not valid.
  • The app_id provided is not valid.
validation There is an issue with the validation of the request parameters.
  • The omni_reference or receipt_id is not provided.
  • The required request parameters are not given.
Unauthorized The request is not authorised or there is an issue with the request.
  • Signature is incorrect.
  • The omni_reference or receipt_id provided does not exist in our database records.

Note: The API may return an unauthorized request error if the provided receipt_id or omni_reference does not exist in our database records.

API: Transaction History V2

The Transaction History API returns a list of transaction objects that match the query criteria. The vendor can use this API either with a limit or with a timestamp. When the limit parameter is provided, the API will return the n last transactions associated with the given outlet_id. The timestamp parameter used to retrieve all the transactions between the timestamp and current time.

curl \
--location \
--request GET ''
var axios = require('axios');
axios.get('/api/fastpay/v2/my/transactions/history', {
    params: {
        'app_id': 'f0l6wkqzfn',
        'sign': '57c2af5432362011d1e2925d1ab2f6020313c7599e45e5d5840c7d607363e340',
        'timestamp' : '1640994222'
        'outlet_id' : '21111'
.then(function (response) {
.catch(function (error) {
$client = new Client();
$request = new Request('GET', '');
$res = $client->sendAsync($request)->wait();
echo $res->getBody();
import requests

url = ""
response = requests.request("GET", url)
require "uri"
require "net/http"

url = URI(" here")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body


Name Type R/CR/O Description
app_id string R Vendor ID issued by Fave
limit integer CR The number of transactions to return. Default: 10 Max-value: 1000"
timestamp integer CR Filter the result by transaction timestamp.
Default: null
Format: Unix Timestamp.
The timestamp must not be earlier than one month.
ack boolean O Filter the result by acknowledgement status. Filter out the acknowledged transactions when the value is false.
Default: true
sign string R API request signature
outlet_id integer CR Outlet id signature

Transaction Response

Transaction Object


Name Description Possible Reasons
resource_not_found The resource provided is not found or invalid. The outlet_id provided is not valid.
validation There is an issue with the validation of the request parameters.
  • Timestamp exceeds one month of the current time.
  • The limit is invalid or exceeds the maximum value.
Unauthorized The request is not authorised or there is an issue with the request.
  • The API key (secret key) with this vendor has not been created for this outlet. Please contact FastPay for support.
  • The signature is incorrect.
error There is no result for the request given. No records match the query.

API: Refund a transaction V2

A POST request can make a refund request with the request body containing the omni_reference and the refund status. This API is idempotent; any call after the first successful call will directly return the status. The transaction only can be refunded through this API within 24 hours. Any request that comes after that will receive a stale_transaction error.

curl \
--location \
--request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "omni_reference": "WCM-1667541435030",
    "app_id": "f0l6wkqzfn",
    "status": "refunded",
    "sign": "133b8f8aeec227c2613f53c691c13b96805ec6bcc67e3dac3af6c6a702e3dbb7"
var axios = require('axios');
var data = JSON.stringify({
  "omni_reference": "WCM-1667541435030",
  "app_id": "f0l6wkqzfn",
  "status": "refunded",
  "sign": "133b8f8aeec227c2613f53c691c13b96805ec6bcc67e3dac3af6c6a702e3dbb7"
});'/api/fastpay/v2/my/transactions', data)
.then(function (response) {
.catch(function (error) {
$client = new Client();
$headers = [
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json'
$body = '{
  "omni_reference": "WCM-1667541435030",
  "app_id": "f0l6wkqzfn",
  "status": "refunded",
  "sign": "133b8f8aeec227c2613f53c691c13b96805ec6bcc67e3dac3af6c6a702e3dbb7"
$request = new Request('POST', '', $headers, $body);
$res = $client->sendAsync($request)->wait();
echo $res->getBody();
import requests
import json

url = ""
payload = json.dumps({
  "omni_reference": "WCM-1667541435030",
  "app_id": "f0l6wkqzfn",
  "status": "refunded",
  "sign": "133b8f8aeec227c2613f53c691c13b96805ec6bcc67e3dac3af6c6a702e3dbb7"
headers = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
require "uri"
require "json"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")
https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
request["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
request.body = JSON.dump({
  "omni_reference": "WCM-1667541435030",
  "app_id": "f0l6wkqzfn",
  "status": "refunded",
  "sign": "133b8f8aeec227c2613f53c691c13b96805ec6bcc67e3dac3af6c6a702e3dbb7"
response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body


Name Type R/CR/O Description
omni_reference string R The omni_reference is the unique reference string provided by the vendor for the transaction. First introduced in the QR code API request.
app_id string R Vendor ID issued by Fave.
status string R Transaction status.
Accepted values: refunded
partial_refund_cents integer O Partial refund amount. This is only applicable for FavePayment. If this parameter is not provided, a full refund will be performed.
sign string R API request signature.

Transaction Response

Transaction Object


Name Description Possible Reasons
resource_not_found The resource provided is not found or invalid. The omni_reference provided is not valid.
validation There is an issue with the validation of the request parameters. The status provided is not valid. The only accepted value is refunded.
partial_refund_cents exceeds the transaction’s charged_amount_cents.
Unauthorized The request is not authorised or there is an issue with the request. Signature is incorrect.
stale_transaction The request was made more than 24 hours after the transaction was created. Refund attempt was made after 24 hours of transaction creation. Transaction can no longer be refunded.
failed_request The request failed. Refund request failed.
unexpected_error The request was rejected. Refund request rejected.

API Errors

The FastPay API will return an error response if anything goes wrong with the vendor’s API call.

Every error response of the Request Checkout Link API will consist of code, message, error_type, and attributes to provide a brief explanation of why the error was triggered.

The code returned here refers to the HTTP error code, which is further mentioned below.

Example (JSON)

    "code": "500",
    "message": "Internal server error",
    "error_type": "update_order#not_found",
    "attributes": "base"
Name Type Description Example
code string HTTP error code. 500
message string Extensive description of what could have potentially caused the error. Internal server error
error_type string Brief description of what could have potentially caused the error. Not present for all errors. update_order#not_found
attributes string Error metadata. base

Transaction APIs Error Object

Every error response of the Transaction APIs will consist of error, and error_description to provide a brief explanation of why the error was triggered. An error status will also be returned. The Transaction APIs are Get a Transaction, Transaction History, and Refund a Transaction.

Example (JSON)

    "error": "internal_error",
    "error_description": "Unable to acknowledge the transaction"

The error status refers to the HTTP error code, which is further mentioned below.

Name Type Description Example
error string Name of the error. internal_error
error_description string Description of the error. Unable to acknowledge the transaction

HTTP Error Codes

The Fast Pay API response will return specific HTTP status codes to indicate a failed request.

Error codes in the range of 4xx indicate an issue with the vendor’s request, and error codes in the range of 5xx indicate an issue with FastPay’s server.

Name Description Action
400 Bad Request There are parameter errors or the request cannot be fulfilled. Ensure the request is formatted properly and all necessary parameters are present.
401 Unauthorized The request does not have a valid app_id or the signature in the request is wrong. Ensure the app_id and signature provided are correct.
404 Not Found The resource_not_found error is present. The ID provided is not valid. Either the resource does not exist or an ID for a different resource has been provided. Ensure the requested resource exists.
500 Internal Server Error The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. Please try again later


Appendix A: Signature Generation for Request Checkout Link API

The signature generated below will be used in the Request Checkout Link API request sign parameter.

Steps to generate sign

  1. Make a copy of the request’s JSON payload (do not include the sign parameter).

  2. Minify the JSON payload. Assuming the JSON is:

      "omni_reference": "PL-0001",
      "total_amount_cents": 1000,
      "app_id": "a3osyvuayx",
      "outlet_id": 6,
      "skip_shipping": true

    Minify the JSON to (note that the sign parameter is not present): {"omni_reference":"PL-0001","total_amount_cents":1000,"app_id":"a3osy vuayx","outlet_id":6,"skip_shipping":true}

    Easily minify the JSON payload with this online tool.

  3. Use the SHA256 algorithm to hash the minified JSON with the secret key provided by FastPay. Assuming the secret key is somesecretkey, the signature generated will be as such: 3348219bc84c2a2a650cd803e456a382390c6696621a355393c70f6c34c97211.
    You can verify the signature with this online tool.

  4. Append the signature generated in step 3 into the original JSON under the sign parameter:

      "omni_reference": "PL-0001",
      "total_amount_cents": 1000,
      "app_id": "a3osyvuayx",
      "outlet_id": 6,
      "skip_shipping": true,
      "sign": "3348219bc84c2a2a650cd803e456a382390c6696621a355393c70f6c34c97211"

Appendix B: Signature Generation for Transaction APIs

The signature generated below will be used in the Transaction APIs request sign parameter. The Transaction APIs are Get a Transaction, Transaction History, and Refund a Transaction.

Steps to generate sign

  1. Make a copy of the request’s parameters (do not include the sign parameter).

    "omni_reference": "PL-0001"
    "app_id": "a3osyvuayx"
    "status": "refunded"

  2. Build the string of the parameters. Assuming the string is: omni_reference=PL-0001&app_id=a3osyvuayx&status=refunded


  3. Use the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm to hash the parameters with the secret key provided by FastPay. Assuming the secret key is somesecretkey, the signature generated will be as such: 4f1bd5f2119cb87364f0e0e4dcea7c425ba6281c79f96219b2c591c559e920c4.
    You can verify the signature with this online tool.

  4. Append the signature generated in step 3 into the request’s parameters under the sign parameter:

    "omni_reference": "PL-0001"
    "app_id": "a3osyvuayx"
    "status": "refunded"

Appendix C : Transaction Payload Verification

The value of the sign parameter is computed using the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm. To verify the integrity of our payload, the Vendor should generate an HMAC-SHA256 hash using the private api key (secret key) provided by Fave, combined with the URL safe encoded content body of the payload at the Vendor’s end and compare against the value of the sign returned in the payload.

Steps to generate sign:

Transaction Payload Example:

  "id": "FP_792619",
  "receipt_id": "0118-7347",
  "outlet_name": "TTDI Shop",
  "total_amount_cents": "2100",
  "currency": "MYR",
  "outlet_id": "1593",
  "mid": "1166",
  "omni_reference": "PL-0001",
  "status": "successful",
  "status_code": "2",
  "created_at": "2021-03-26T18:14:59.698+08:00",
  "campaign_credit_amount_cents": "0",
  "campaign_funded_by": "N/A",
  "aabig_points_used_amount_cents": "0",
  "merchant_cashback_amount_cents": "350",
  "fave_credits_amount_cents": "200",
  "promo_code_value_cents": "0",
  "e_card_credits_used_cents": "0",
  "charged_amount_cents": "1550",
  "cashback_rate": "0.0",
  "merchant_cashback_issued_cents": "0",
  "promo_code": "apicbpartner2",
  "promo_code_cashback_value": "2.00",
  "promo_code_cashback_type": "absolute_cashback",
  "promo_code_cashback_issued_cents": "200",
  "promo_code_cashback_funded_by": "merchant",
  "fave_fees_percentage": "1.0",
  "fave_fees_cents": "18",
  "sst_on_total_fees_cents": "1",
  "merchant_takeback_cents": "1881",
  "user_id": "2818771",
  "fpl_transaction": "false",
  "fpl_fees_percentage": "N/A",
  "fpl_fees_cents": "N/A",
  "fpl_merchant_cashback_reduction_percentage": "N/A",
  "sign": "fc12259055f146e8bf0b587cbd8dbb9283e4db6a525243bc608e5762e43c6b29"
  1. Make a copy of the JSON body (do not include the sign parameter).

  2. Build the string of the content body. Assuming the JSON body is:
    id=FP_792619&receipt_id=0118-7347&outlet_name=TTDI+Shop&total_amount_ cents=2100&currency=MYR&outlet_id=1593&mid=1166&omni_reference=PL-000 1&status=successful&status_code=2&created_at=2021-03-26T18%3A14%3A59. 698%2B08%3A00&campaign_credit_amount_cents=0&campaign_funded_by=N%2FA &aabig_points_used_amount_cents=0&merchant_cashback_amount_cents=350& fave_credits_amount_cents=200&promo_code_value_cents=0&e_card_credits _used_cents=0&charged_amount_cents=1550&cashback_rate=0.0&merchant_ca shback_issued_cents=0&promo_code=apicbpartner2&promo_code_cashback_va lue=2.00&promo_code_cashback_type=absolute_cashback&promo_code_cashba ck_issued_cents=200&promo_code_cashback_funded_by=merchant&fave_fees_ percentage=1.0&fave_fees_cents=18&sst_on_total_fees_cents=1&merchant_ takeback_cents=1881&user_id=2818771&fpl_transaction=false&fpl_fees_pe rcentage=N%2FA&fpl_fees_cents=N%2FA&fpl_merchant_cashback_reduction_p ercentage=N%2FA


  3. Use the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm to hash the content body with the secret key provided by FastPay. Assuming the secret key is d25f1p1zf6ww8eja, the signature generated will be as such: fc12259055f146e8bf0b587cbd8dbb9283e4db6a525243bc608e5762e43c6b29.
    You can verify the signature with this online tool.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Q: The vendor has difficulty decrypting FastPay redirect_url appended parameters.

Vendor may test using openssl command line like so:

# write the encrypted string to a file
+8Qe3AA27cysg==" > string.txt
# convert secret key to hexadecimal (use online tool such as
# eg. nwgv9juqpb9tjjbi -> 6E776776396A7571706239746A6A6269
# Run the following to decrypt
cat string.txt | openssl enc -d -aes-128-cbc -K
6E776776396A7571706239746A6A6269 -iv 0000000000000000 -nosalt -base64
# You should see the decrypted string below

A: Check FastPay encryption details.

The details are as so:

2. Q: Is the item’s weight/dimension or location taken into consideration for shipping options?

A: No, FastPay currently only supports a fixed fee shipping option.